Lightship ARDK
Lightship Augmented Reality Developer Kit (ARDK) gives developers the tools they need to create immersive, multiplayer experiences and bring them to life in the real world.
ARDK is designed for both Android and iOS mobile platforms and is deeply integrated with Unity AR Foundation.
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various images of ARDK in action
various images of ARDK in action
Visual Positioning System
Shared AR
Real-time meshing
Semantic segmentation
Map Tiles
Build real-world AR experiences with Lightship VPS
Lightship Visual Positioning System (VPS), gives developers the power to localize users and persist AR content with centimeter-level accuracy – in seconds. Lightship VPS is available in public beta within Lightship ARDK.
Share and interact in entirely new ways
Unlock a world of powerful, social use cases for your app. From gaming to treasure hunts, Shared AR in ARDK lets you shift your AR experiences from single user play to multi-user, social sessions. It’s possible with tools like:
  • Networking APIs for synchronizing content, player actions, etc.
  • AR sessions shared with up to 10 users
  • Peer-to-peer messaging with provided server
  • Lightweight gaming functions
  • Session authentication and encryption
  • Co-localization with Shared AR and VPS
Set the realistic scene
ARDK’s meshing feature quickly builds a machine-readable representation of the physical world. Build experiences that incorporate the environment by accounting for realistic depth, occlusion, physics, placement, and more. Throw a ball and watch it collide with real world objects or bounce as it hits the floor. Real-time meshing includes:
  • Real-time depth estimation and occlusion
  • Session-persistent meshing
  • Cross-platform functionality
Know your surroundings
With semantic segmentation, any developer can instantly identify and mask different elements in the world around them to inform how virtual content reacts or is placed in the space. Categories include:
  • Water, sky, ground (natural and artificial)
  • Buildings
  • Foliage
  • Object detection with over 200 categories
Build with maps optimized for AR
Guide your AR experience with Lightship Maps, easy-to-use, customizable basemaps built specifically for augmented reality.
Frequently Asked Questions
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