Lightship Maps
Lightship Maps for Unity provides developers with easy-to-use, customizable basemaps built specifically for augmented reality.
Maps is designed for both Android and iOS mobile platforms and integrates directly within Unity.
Build with maps optimized for AR

Lightship Maps is built on top of the same technology Niantic uses to power our most popular real-world games. Unlike other tools built for automotive or data visualization, Lightship Maps is specifically designed for AR with features like:

  • Vector maps for smooth zooming and panning
  • Map caching for faster loading in low connectivity
  • Unity Job System for an enhanced development experience
Let the map drive content and gameplay

Lightship Maps gives developers the tools to build interactive, immersive experiences based on the metadata of the map itself. Without adding any extra external data, developers can build applications with real-world physics based on:

  • Geometry and semantics of geographic features
  • Procedural generation of content based on map itself
Customize the look and feel of every map

Quickly build new location-based AR experiences with the preconfigured themes in our sample projects, or fully customize the map to match the look and feel of each application by adjusting the colors, overlays, or data of the map.

One-stop-shop for location-based AR

Maps tightly integrates with the Lightship ARDK making it easier to display and guide users to location-based experiences like those built with Lightship VPS.

Frequently Asked Questions
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